Certified craftsmen

Traditional craftswoman of potato "bandos"


Ona Kizelienė

Ona Kizelienė is a traditional craftswoman of certified potato "bandos", a promoter of the old cooking craft. She bakes Dzūkija herds with sourcream and curd sauce and dip, wheat flour pancakes, buckwheat babka, potato whistles, produces dandelion honey, pine needle syrup, and conducts education on Dzūkija culinary heritage. Ona Kizelienė's fried bakbas and wheat flour pancakes are among the ten best Lithuanian gastronomy projects, from which the jury will select the best one to compete for the title of winner in Brussels with dishes from other EU countries. The workshops present the food traditions, daily and festive meals of Dzūkija.


Products can be purchased by contacting Ona:

Phone 8 611 45791

E-mail: [email protected]